June Meeting

Tuesday June 13, 2017 6:00 PM

Monthly Meeting June 13th, 2017

ACOE meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month-Social begins at 5PM- followed by dinner, meeting, and presentation by a vendor. All paid members are free.  Non-members and guests are $60 and can pay in advance here or at the door. 

  • RSVPS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN 3:00PM ON THE DAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED MEETING. NO EXCEPTIONS!  If your RSVP is not received in time, you may attend the meeting but will not receive a meal.
  • PLEASE NOTE:  If you RSVP and do not attend you could receive a no-show invoice.  If you must cancel your attendance, please call Kimberly Robb by 3:00PM ON THE DAY BEFORE THE SCHEDULED MEETING so your meal can be cancelled.  
  • Cancellations received after 3:00PM ON THE DAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED MEETING could still be invoiced as a no-show.


Date: June 13th 2017

Time: Meeting will begin at 6PM

Location : The Whitehall Houston

1700 Smith St, Houston, TX 77002

Guest Speaker: Fujitec America





23RD Annual ACOE Golf Tournament – Player Signup

Saturday September 16, 2017 6:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Link to Sponsorships

The ACOE event of the year!
Building Engineers, Assistant Building Engineers, Chief Engineers, Property Managers, and Service Providers – This is the place to be!


DATE:   Saturday, September 16, 2017

LOCATION: Wildcat Golf Club | 12000 Almeda Road | Houston, TX 77045
Tel: (713) 413-3400           

WEB:    Course information visit http://www.wildcatgolfclub.com/

SCHEDULE:            6:30 AM:        Golfer Registration and Breakfast

8:00 AM:        Shotgun Start:  Four Player Scramble; Par is Your Friend

2:00 PM:        Lunch, Awards, and Prizes

0 signed up so far.


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