The ACOE supports the SEAS School directly through scholarship funding for qualifying engineers. SEAS uses the BOMI International Curriculum for the professional development of our engineers. Click on the latest course schedule and online SEAS application below!

The Scholarship

The ACOE educational scholarship is made available to anyone who is actively pursuing excellence in the role of maintenance engineering in the Houston area. The award of the scholarship is at the discretion of the ACOE scholarship committee. The committee shall review the applicants for the scholarship twice per annum, once at a special called committee meeting in July and once in December. The committee shall discuss the validity of each applicant and weigh the qualifications of each application on its own merit and hold each candidate up for inspection during a scheduled interview. The applicants will be subject to criterion including but not limited to the following:

  • current school enrollment and transcript history,
  • financial need,
  • written documentation that the employer will not pay for the education specifically requested,
  • written documentation that no other funding is available
  • experience in maintenance engineering,
  • recommendation letters produced by the applicant's current supervisor,
  • participation in the ACOE meetings, events, and other activities,
  • the individual's pursuit of excellence in the field.

This list is compiled as a guide and for no other reason. The ACOE scholarship committee shall award the scholarships based on a number of factors and not be bound to limited criterion. Each applicant shall be interviewed and reviewed by the committee. Notice shall be given to the recipients of the scholarship during the month of the review and to the ACOE membership during the August and January general meetings. The scholarship is limited to one approval at a time and is not automatically renewable.

Visit To Apply

The Committee

The ACOE scholarship committee shall be comprised of five individuals, a chairperson and four members of the ACOE, at least two of which shall be current or past ACOE steering committee members. The chairperson shall be appointed annually by the then current ACOE president. The chairperson shall appoint the remaining members of the scholarship committee. Five committeemen are required for a quorum; a quorum must be met before a decision can be made by the committee. Current ACOE steering committee members who are not on the committee may fill in at the request of any committeeman who must miss the scheduled meeting. These steering committee members shall have all the rights and responsibilities of the missing committeeman. The ACOE treasurer shall notify the scholarship committee on or before July 1 and December 1 with the available funds for the awards.


The Process

The online application must be completed and will then be presented to the committee chairman for consideration before July 1 for the July review and before December 1 for the December review. The committee shall conduct an investigation including an interview. All applicants will be contacted by the committee to schedule an interview. The first time applicant shall be interviewed formally by the committee during the special called review meeting. Applicants who are not applying for the first time may be interviewed informally outside of the special called meeting by one or more of the committeemen. The committee shall hold a vote for each applicant individually administered by the chairman, according to Robert's Rules of Order. The committee shall report their recommendations to the ACOE steering committee by electronic mail immediately after the review meeting. The committee will notify the recipients of the awards during the month of the review. The ACOE treasurer shall deliver payment to the institution for each individual award in a timely manner after the reviews and awards. Instances arising requiring other payment methods will be at the discretion of the current treasurer.

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